26 June 2006

I sewed Bruce a shirt today that says Robot Man and has pictures of toy robots.

The house is coming along. They're painting the walls and putting in the subfloor for the tile areas. Should start laying tile tomorrow. After that will be cabinets, toilets, sinks, lights, carpets, all the jewelry of the house like trim and doorknobs, and finishing the fireplace. Outside of the house is done except sidewalks, driveway and landscaping. It's starting to look closer to being done so I'm getting excited.

Bruce and Justin are off to a baseball game tonight. I'm not sure what I will do. Mike has another meeting.

20 June 2006

Justin is home now and is sleeping away his long trip from Colorado. Thanks to Kelly for the quarter and fun candy. We'll enjoy the candy. It's my favorite kind.

I'm off to Genoa to look at furniture. I've scouted out what I want and may put in a order today. It takes 6-8 weeks so that will time it about right for our move.

We had energetic storms last night but no damage to our homes. I always get worked up when I see a storm building. I think it's from growing up in the panhandle of Texas and the excitement of the tornado watches. My dad used to stand out in the yard and watch the sky. In Texas, then, most people didn't have basements but a storm cellar out in the yard. We had dug a three foot deep hole in the ground and covered it with a roof for our chickens to live in. I don't think it would have been very safe if a tornado came but probably safer than the house. The roof would have probably blown off. There is big sky in Texas--you can see for miles. I still look at the sky and enjoy the changes of the skyscape. God is an artist.

17 June 2006

Here's a photo harvest from Saturday, June 17. The driveway, sidewalk, and other landscaping will begin soon.

15 June 2006

Bruce, where are you reading about Hodad's and the Padres? Did they blog somewhere I don't know about or did they send you emails and not send them to me? I'm jealous. I got a phone call from Justin this morning and we talked to Mary and Mike yesterday.

Today I dyed fabrics with Wendy which took about four hours. The fabrics are soaking in the dyes now and we will see the final results tomorrow after 24 hours of "curing." Bruce is gone to Akron as you can read on his blog. Now I think I will take a short nap before Bruce gets home and we check out the progress on the new house this evening.

08 June 2006

They're making our walls have a texture like orange peel. It's a random bumpiness that they will then paint over with our colors of choice. How funny: orange peel walls. The gutters are now installed also but this week has been a slow one on the house because of the bank having to do an inspection at this stage for the next payment.

We dropped Mike off at the Detroit airport today and then drove 10 more miles to the new Ikea. We spent several hours there and had lunch. In the meantime I decided on what storage system I wanted to get for my sewing room and we went ahead and bought it. I got three units and the boxes fit in our Land Rover so we were able to take them home today. I won't build them until after we move and I can put them together in my new sewing loft.

05 June 2006

We're having picture-perfect days and I'm about to head out for a walk. We've only had two lookers for 1040 and no further word so I guess they aren't interested. I'm really being stretched here on trusting God for a buyer. I take on so much stress for myself in getting the house in perfect shape so that someone will want to buy it. All the work in planning for the new house has been a breeze.

We cleaned gutters yesterday and I spruced up the inside today. The garage is still full of stuff and the basement is a tornado. Would I want to buy this house?

I'm working on a baby quilt with the hand-dyed fabrics I have. Wendy and I speak at the fair this year about hand dyeing fabrics and need sample quilts for the various techniques. The quilt I'm working on is made of 12 colors of the rainbow. The dye technique uses three primary colors that are mixed in various proportions and results in all the colors of the spectrum. Pretty neat. I think I will call the quilt Cotton Candy Rainbow because the colors are pastels and remind me of cotton candy.