21 April 2010

Hi everyone!

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17 June 2007

Here it is again--another father's day. Time passes quickly and we have one "child" left at home but we will always be their parents no matter their ages. I am blessed with a wonderful husband who is also a wonderful father. My own father died when I was 10 years old so I appreciate the importance of a father but especially a good one.

Bruce has always loved his children more than himself. When he was worn out with work he would still come home and get down on the floor to play with them and tell them stories at bedtime and encourage them in their hopes and dreams. He still involves himself in their lives and keeps the relationships strong. He has gone to many a game, concert, or any event that our children were involved in always cheering them on.

Know this day, Bruce, that you are well loved and we appreciate you. You have been a good partner in life for me and I still choose you over all others.

05 June 2007

Colorado Springs Forth
Here we are getting ready for our trip by filling up iPods and posing for Photo Booth pictures. I have dyed new fabrics and will quilt up a storm upon return.

It will be great to see loved ones and cherish the wedding of our niece and her groom!

We'll be staying at the same place we did before and also where Cheryl and Jim will be. They are driving. We are flying. Yea!

21 May 2007

The Great Gazebo

The Great Gazebo
Originally uploaded by aslandad00.
On an almost Sunny day in Cuyahoga Falls, son and dad ventured out into the Gazebo of Fame to have their portrait done by an automatic camera lens.

There are more photos from this trip available at the Aslandad Flickr" site:


18 May 2007

Originally uploaded by aslandad00.
Here am I, a day and evening into sales and clothes for celebrating and playing in Denver, Colorado Springs, Defiance, and even Bowling Green! Get your cameras ready!

01 May 2007

More than we asked...

A few weeks ago I helped serve lunch to the Impact World Tour people who were in town for a mission outreach. After lunch they prayed for the people who served them. I was asked what I needed prayer for and I said I needed to sell a house. The couple praying for me asked God to sell our house for more than we asked. In my heart I scoffed because we had been getting offers 10-15 thousand under our asking price. Well, today we entertained three offers at once at or above our asking price!!! We accepted the best offer. I am ashamed that I am still holding back on celebrating because a deal isn't done until it's done. However, things are certainly looking up. Keep praying that everything will work out.

We had crazy weather tonight all around with funnel clouds, hail, and drenching rain. The night is settling down now and there is a lot of standing water. The old and new houses seemed to have weathered the weather okay. We hurriedly fixed supper and ran down to the basement carrying our dinner when the siren went off AGAIN. So we enjoyed the safety of the basement to eat our grilled chicken, stuffed portabella mushrooms and fried potatoes.